A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This is a cooperative game where the players help each other to get to the end of the level by moving blocks jumping on each other etc.

Click on the menu using the mouse.

Player 1 (red) Arrow keys - movement Mouse - look , left click Jump

Player 2(blue) Xbox Controller (A to jump) (Xbox is the only controller i have, and have tested on. currently unsure if other controllers work)

Press the esc key in game to return to the menu.

Currently there is one level and there is some lacking features like no sound, and is not duel controlled. I would be very appreciative of some constructive criticism as it will not only help with this project but another that is my current focus at the moment.


If there are any streamers if you can stream the game and tell me what you think it will be greatly appreciated.

Update 30/03/17

Have controller/keyboard with sound

Update 27/04/17

Game dual controlled for mac and windows. Sorry for the slow update but unity was being fussy. Download for the correct OS you have. Thanks to player who commented on my other game for reminding me of unitys build setting.


CoopBlock.7z 8.3 MB
coopblockSound Keyboard And Controler.7z 10 MB
CoOp Block Mac.zip 15 MB
CoOP Block Win Dual Controled.zip 13 MB
CoOP Block mac Dual Controled.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip the file.

You will need at least one controller and what it takes to run the controller on your machine.

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